Yuan King is a company specializing in manufacturing tire and tube machines such as making tubing & tire wholeplant, hydraulic BOM tire curing & tube extrusion line, tube curing press, bead wire measuring & green tire painting machine, OEM/ ODM, etc.
hydraulic BOM tire curing press, multi-ply ( multi ply, multiply) curing presses, bladder curing press, batch-off ( batch off) machinery, bead wire grommet machineries, horizontal bias cutters, elevated bias cutting machines, tires building machines, tread cooling skiver lines, tube extrusion lines ( extruded machines, extruders) , tube curing press, tube valve cement lines, flap curing press, peripheral machines, bead wire measuring ( measure) machines, green tire painting ( paint, painted) machines, green tire forming ( form, formed) machines, PCI machines, post cure inflators, tire wobble testing ( testers) machines, tire wrapping ( wrap wrapped) machines, tire binding machines, core assembling ( assembly) machine, green tire venting machines, custom made ( customized, customised, custom-made, custommade, customed, tailor-made, tailor made, OEM, ODM, designs, designeds, designings) tube and tire equipments, making tubing & tire wholeplants ( whole-plants, whole plants), automatic building machines, bead wire grommet machines, auto ( automatic, automation, automated) tube extruding lines, bead wire inner circle length testing machines, tyre machines, conveyors ( conveyers), tire maker machines, tires production machines, tube maiking machine, tube packings ( packeds, packs, packages, packageds, packagings) machines, tube forming machines sale.
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Yuan-King Machinery Co., Ltd.
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