The Company Profile of Hengshui good is popular the rubber limited company
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Hengshui good is popular the rubber limited company

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Is located to the Hengshui Yongan industry garden area, adjoins 106federal highways Hengshui good to be popular the project rubberlimited company, is in our country project rubber industry is new Xiu,in take the existing legacy product as the foundation, take the marketemerging product as the guidance, take founds the quality brand asunder the goal idea, with the Chinese water conservation water andelectricity academy of science cooperation, after several yearsresearch and development and the technical attack, successfully hasdeveloped the alone property right and the project superiority newproject rubber product: Colored rubber dam and bridge special-purposerubber gasification core mold. Has increased rare andbeautiful flowers for the project rubber industry. The new colored rubber dam and the bridge gasification core moldproduct development, will certainly advantageously to impel ourcountry rubber industry the development, makes it to the depth, thebreadth direction to expand is located to the Hengshui Yongan industrygarden area, adjoins 106 federal highways Hengshui good to be popularthe project rubber limited company, is in our country project rubberindustry is new Xiu, in take the existing legacy product as thefoundation, take the market emerging product as the guidance, takefounds the quality brand as under the goal idea, with Chinese waterconservation water and electricity academy of science cooperation,after several years research and development and technical attack,Successfully has developed the alone property right and the projectsuperiority new project rubber product: Colored rubber dam and bridgespecial-purpose rubber gasification core mold. Has increased rare and beautiful flowers for the project rubber industry. The new colored rubber dam and the bridge gasification core moldproduct development, will certainly advantageously to impel ourcountry rubber industry the development, makes it to the depth, thebreadth direction to expand extends. Company existing staff 120, the engineers and technicians 48 people,the leading product production special purpose equipment 70 wraps, theequipment property more than 6 million Yuan, the colored rubber damproduct establishes a new school, is among the best in the nationalcolleague industry, already had serves 1.3 million square meters damscloths and the bridge gasification core mold productivity, the yearcreates the output value 3,500 ten thousand Yuan, has become ourcountry to produce is filled with water the type colored rubber damspecialized factory, the design, the manufacture, the installment,services a station type service to consummate the safeguard, thedifferent specification which the company produced, the different formbridge gasification core mold, has widely applied to the Beijing luck,Beijing Shen, Beijing are broad, and so on each highway bridge and therailroad bridge, and receives the bridge constructor's strongapproval, this causes the product to have the strength and thecompetitive advantage.

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