As a leading auto equipment manufacturer, the Jin Hua Group has just celebrated its 18th anniversary. With 18 years experience satisfying the ever-growing needs of our customers, we know that we shall achieve total customer satisfaction.
We have established a Distribution and Development program to assist distributors worldwide to meet the requirements of today’s market. Customers always seek the best available products and distributors can ensure their competitive edge over rivals offering inferior quality at a cheaper price, by offering superior quality at a competitive cost. Not only do distributors preserve their proud reputations but they also retain loyal customers while increasing profits.
We supply only high quality products to our customers. Customers in North America have already successfully tested our entire product line over the past three years. Specifically, our automotive lift has already met or exceeded the standards required by Ali, the most challenging standard on the market.
Our competitive pricing is attractive to everybody .We offer lower costs than competing manufacturers so you will never have to worry about price-competition in the marketplace. We appreciate that our distributors work hard to improve our business and that is why their satisfaction is our priority – we consider them to be part of our family. Immediately on signing an agreement with our distributor, we will transfer all our current and future customer contacts to them. We shall establish a rewards program for them and their customers and start an investment program, as a joint venture with our distributor, to further improve profit margins. With our close relationship, distributors can act as a division of the manufacturer giving them a wider market range than before. This program offers our distributors the competitive advantage to allow them to confidently confront the challenges of today’s marketplace.We have established a Distribution and Development program to assist distributors worldwide to meet the requirements of today’s market. Customers always seek the best available products and distributors can ensure their competitive edge over rivals offering inferior quality at a cheaper price, by offering superior quality at a competitive cost. Not only do distributors preserve their proud reputations but they also retain loyal customers while increasing profits.
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